Become a Schlouk Map ambassador!

Add bars in your city and get rewards

Programme Amabassadeur

📸 Add bars in your city

Do you know the bars in your city? That's good, we are looking for people to add bars of Bordeaux, Lyon, Nice, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, Nantes, Rennes, ... and all other cities.

😎 Become an official ambassador

You become our guide and to help you spread the app, we give you goodies and we help you launch Schlouk Map in your city. It's win-win and you'll have the admiration of all your friends.

🎁 Earn rewards

To thank you, we offer Amazon gift cards (20 €, 30 €, 50 €, ...) according to the number of bars added. It is finally a way to make profitable your nights in bars and become the top Schlouker in town!

So, interested in launching Schlouk Map in your city?